Yes. There is no requirement to use a solicitor, or a professional Will writer to prepare your Will. However, writing your Will starting with a blank piece of paper is actually quite difficult. A well drafted Will includes some complicated clauses, like setting up trusts, handling alternate scenarios and describing the powers being granted to the Executor and Trustee.
It is perfectly legal to prepare your Will using an online interactive service like the one at You simply step through the service and download and print your final document. To make it a legal Will, you must then sign it in the presence of two adult witnesses who are not beneficiaries in the Will. Once it is signed and witnessed, you have prepared your legal Will.
An online service like ours gives you the same final product as a solicitor, but by giving you direct access to the Will writing software that they use we make it more accessible and more affordable. Your final Will would be word-for-word the same, but you can create it without time consuming appointments, for a fraction of the cost of a solicitor or professional Will writer.
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Article ID: 34, Created: 7/20/2017 at 10:55 AM, Modified: 2/6/2021 at 11:25 AM